Wednesday, September 3, 2008

There and Back Again

Now you may very well ask yourselves "what has she gotten up to down there?" when you hear Chet Baker cool jazz flowing out of the CD player and then spy that bottle of Falanghina wine open on the counter. Well the fact is, I'm celebrating because on September 15th I will start work as the new library assistant at Dell Children's Medical Center's Family Resources Library.

I got the happy call while I was in a library of all places. Naughty me with my phone on. I quickly set down my copy of Texas Cowboys and my two DVD choices and rushed outside to chat with my new boss, much to the dismay of the gentleman in the beret who sits on the bench near the entrance and uses his computer. The job is part-time, 20 hours a week, but has benefits, all of which I will find out next week when I go fill out Human Resources forms and pee in a little cup. I don't recall the drug testing when I got hired at the library in Freeport fifteen years ago but perhaps I've just blocked it out of my mind....

I'll need to find another job to go with this one but still, oh what a relief to be moving ahead. The hospital is beautiful. It's a new facility and still has that new hospital smell. There is artwork everywhere. I believe there are four, maybe more, courtyard meditation gardens. I haven't had a tour of the whole place yet but what I've seen is lovely. And as I was leaving after my second interview two weeks ago, a therapy dog was signing in for duty just across from the library. When I saw her, I knew I would really like to work at this place. Lucky for me, I get to do just that!

So, in a word.....phew!

In other news, oh we've had a lot going on here at Casa de Loco. Jeff is prepping for the solo kayak trip down the Lower Colorado. From Austin to Matagorda Bay is nearly 300 miles, most of it extremely remote. He made the final payment on the big kayak and brought it home last Thursday. It's a 14' rascal and we've spent a few evenings going through some of Jeff's military gear as he decides what to pack. His departure date depends on water levels and weather patterns but the window is any time after the 15th of this month really. We're still working on sponsors for the journey and plans for fundraising.

We've also got Jeff's career as a rapper underway. He's now recorded two tunes he's written and has several more in various stages of production. You can have a listen here: Both tunes need to be professionally mastered but you'll get the idea. Be forewarned, the language is a bit rough. The tune Don't Give a Damn is a powerhouse though. And I'm even on the recording!

Oh, and as if Jeff isn't keeping busy enough, he's had more acting work since I last wrote to y'all. He's even had his first paying gig..though come to think of it, I don't think he's been paid yet. Hmmm... But here's the funny part about this gig. It is a Public Service Announcement about internet safety and it was produced by (drum roll please) The US Department of Justice! Oh I thought I'd bust a gut laughing when he told me AND that he played a gang member. Art imitating life? I believe it's going to be a nationally released PSA so if you happen to see one about internet safety, look at the gang member who welcomes a young kid after his father effectively hands him over by not monitoring his child's use of the internet. The dude with the black bandana is my boss. You'll also notice a really really really tall gang member. That is Mr. Incredible, also known as Justyn in just-incredible. That dude is 6'8 and so funny. He's a rapper and a delight to hang out with.

There's tons more that's gone on that I can't recall here at 11:30 on a Wednesday night but it's all pretty much good. In the category of "Only in Austin", I left for a walk last weekend only to find two Jehovah's Witnesses, or some door to door religious envoys, had cornered several of the deaf tenants here in the complex and were spreading their word in sign language. The looks on the faces of the three deaf guys, that sort of "why did i answer the door?" look, put me almost in stitches. Now bear in mind, the two guys below me are always getting up to something a bit suspect but it did come as a surprise to hear why there were two squad cars parked in our lot last week.

Evidently, the deaf lady who lived here was quite good at reading lips and she would take the time to help my neighbors in situations they were not quite understanding because of communication problems of one sort or another. This was, however, part of a larger plan it seem. I know precious little about drug use but I was pretty sure I had seen the lot downstairs huddled around a crack pipe when I came home one afternoon. Plus it's no secret that dope dealers are making deliveries here daily. Those friendly people driving up to those friendly apartment dwellers who for some reason are mysteriously hanging out by cars they don't own for a few minutes, well none of them are friends stopping for a little chat. As Jeff said, when he first took me to the east side: Sharon, those people are not really waiting for the bus.
So it turns out that our deaf lady was providing the fellas downstairs with methadone and while the boys were high or passed out, she was stealing money from them when their disability checks arrived! I'm telling you, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Heaven only knows who alerted the cops but that's the story. When I noticed the two squad cars in the lot, I called Jeff and asked him if he was alone....ha ha ha.

Well, that's enough story telling for tonight I reckon. I've been in Austin over nine months now and a day doesn't pass that I don't learn something new or re-learn a lesson I thought I had aced. My visit to Maine at the beginning of August was a strange one. It was nice to see the folks I got to see and it was good to be out of the infernal heat of Texas summer. But it became quite clear to me that while you can go back to where you are from, it's true that you really can't go home again. Maine is where I am from...Texas is where I am...and who knows where I'm bound.

Hope this missive finds everyone savoring the onset of autumn, my most favorite of seasons. Be well. Be happy. Treasure what you have and be thankful. Our blessing are many.

Much love from Guadalupe Street.

xoxo wren

ps. stay tuned for stories about these photos